At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024 in Bratoft Church Room.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mr R. Harman; Mr G. Holmes; Mr S. Roachford and Mrs C. Brewer.

Apologies were received from LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and ELDC Cllr Sid Dennis.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Responses have been received regarding the letter which was received from Anthony Marston regarding the numerous floodings of his property on Sandy Lane, Great Steeping.  Responses have been received from Cllr Bowkett who is looking into the matter of the flooding grants;  Amy Jackson from the Environment Agency, who sends their sympathy and has requested information from residents regarding flooding in October 2023.  The EA would like photographs or videos, and any information including times, depths and the path of the flood waters took in order to better understand the flood mechanisms.

Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that part of the overhanging hedge on Wainfleet Road has been cut back, but as the remainder of the hedge is on a blind bend, she is waiting for help to stop traffic whilst the cut is being carried out.

Cllr Bowkett has emailed Elaine Bruce, who is the officer working on Kelsey Wood Country Park's licence for an update for Mr & Mrs Siddon. 

3.  County Councillor's Report

Cllr Bowkett sent her apologies and produced the following report:

"The section 19 reports should be completed by August, once these are completed they will go before the county council flood scrutiny committee.

The call connect app is now available, you can book your journey online and all for £2.00 each way, this also applies to service buses, any journey £2.00.

Lincolnshire county council are looking at further ways to improve and encourage bus travel and are gathering views to help plan further improvements as part of the latest county views survey .

This can be completed online on paper copies can be found in the county news and can be returned by free post.

Free Childcare costs are to increase from April 2024, 2 year olds who will get 15 hrs free childcare, from Sept 2024,  9 months old will get 15 hrs free and from Sept 2025, 9 months will get 30hrs free. From Sept 2026 schools will offer wrap around care from 8 till 6pm, this will help hugely with working parents.

A 12 month pilot project to help hoarders on the east coast will be run by LCC and a number of other agencies , 3 support workers will work with residents who have been put forward by our coastal gps to try and give help and support for these vulnerable residents."

4.  District Councillor's Report

Mrs Wilford stated that the bin collection calendars are not available on the ELDC website.  It was agreed to ask if this matter could be rectified.


5  Correspondence

a)  Letter received from Mr Gilbert tendering his resignation from the Parish Council.  The Parish Council's thanks to be sent.

b)  Email received from Sharon Atkinson, Elections Officer, regarding the co-option of a Parish Councillor to represent Great Steeping.

c)  Email received from Eastern Green Links 3 & 4 regarding a virtual briefing to take place on Wednesday 24 April at 6.30pm to 8pm.  Email to be forwarded to Miss Smithson Whitehead and Mrs Wilford.

d)  Email received with details of the candidates for the post of Police & Crime Commissioner.  Posters to be placed on Village noticeboards.

e)  Letter received from Irby & Bratoft Village Hall regarding a matter which is being investigated.

f)  Email received from Mr Moore showing the response from highways regarding the weight limit for the bridge on Mill Lane, Little Steeping.  It was agreed to ask for a weight limit to be put on this bridge because of the heavy traffic that uses it, also to request that highways carry out an inspection every 2 years as is standard for this type of bridge.

6.   Plans

Application No S/051/00114/24 by Bicker Fen Solar Limited for a Section 73 Application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans) imposed on Section 73 approval reference S/051/00287/22 which was to vary conditions 1 (Full Planning Permission), 2 (Approval Plans), 8 (Flood Risk Assessment), 9 (Habitat Survey, Ecological Impact Assessment & Badger Report), 10 (Landscaping), 11 (Biodiversity Management Plan), 12 (Vehicular Access), 13 (Archaeological Works), 14 (Archaeological watching brief) and 15 (Archaeological Findings) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/051/00772/17 for installation of a Solar array with associated infrastructure (works already commenced) at Land at Manor Farm, Wainfleet Road, Irby in the Marsh.  Irby in the Marsh Parish Councillors support the application as long as hedgerow screening takes place in accordance with the original application.  Firsby Parish Councillors state: surely it is unacceptable to breach planning permissions in order to save money.  The applicant states quite clearly that it is possible for them to stay within the planning permission they have been granted, if they use more than the proposed 54 CCTV cameras at a smaller height.  Their reluctance to use more is based purely on cost. By their own admission.  As our main objection is the 4m height , it is our suggestion that they add the extra  CCTV cameras, at the lower height and accept the cost.  This would then be in keeping with the currently approved planning permission.  Our position would then be to support the application.

Application No S/064/000240/24 Section 73 application to vary condition no. 3 (holiday occupancy) as previously imposed on planning permission reference S/064/01040/19 for the change of use, conversion of, alterations to existing agricultural building to provide holiday accommodation at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.  It was agreed to support this application.

Application No S/051/00413/24 by Mrs S Simmonds for Planning permission - Construction of a gravel track and hardstanding area's for 3 no. caravan/motor homes at the Old Wheelwrights, 45 Station Road, Firsby.  It was agreed to support this application, it will enhance what is currently a beautiful site.  Amended application also received  to remove the reference to caravans as they do not form a part of the application.

Application No S/064/00408/24 by Mr F & Mrs A Forty for Planning Permission - Erection of 2no. agricultural barns (works commenced) at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.  It was agreed to support this application.

Application No S/064/00454/24 by Mr F & Mrs Fourty for Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.  It was agreed to support this application.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions for Planning Permission - Erection of a ménage and construction of new vehicular access at Bycroft House, Fendyke Road, Firsby.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions for Planning Permission - Excavation of land to form a commercial fishing pond and bunds, construction of internal access road and car park, with associated landscaping at Land East of Home Farm, Ings Lane, Little Steeping.

Tree Preservation Order No EZY/0034/24/TPA By Mr David Tyson for T1 - Ash - Reduce to a monolith (approx. 5m) due to presence of Inontus hispidus.  T2 -Ash - Fell to ground level due to large cavity in main trunk, north side, from base to approx. 1.5m up trunk, at Shiloh (now Acorn Lodge), Summergate Lane, Bratoft.  It was agreed to support this application.

Tree Preservation Order  No EZY/0035/24/TPA by Mr David Tyson for T1 - Ash- (T3 on plan) Reduce to monolith (to approx. 5m) due to cavity and unions at Shiloh, (now Acorn Lodge), Summergate Lane, Bratoft.  It was agreed to support this application.

7.   Highways

It was agreed to report the following matters to Highways:

To request the date the last part of Aerodrome Road is going to be resurfaced. 

Oxlands Lane, South , the road is breaking up.

B1195 from Great Steeping School to Bartons Lane several potholes have been repaired but others nearby by have been left and need repairing.

B1195, Wainfleet Road, Irby in the Marsh from the Laurels up to Burgh Lane the road edge is dropping away and needs repairing.

Ashby Road, the owner of the property needs to be asked formally by Highways to clear out the dykes.  There is a pipe under the road but water cannot get into to it.

8.   Any Other Business

Mrs Wilford raised concerns regarding the proposed planning application for the 600 homes to be built in Spilsby on land off Halton Road and Ashby Road under application reference number S/165/00287/24.  The Parish Council would like to know where the surface water and sewage is going to go.  Neither Halton Holegate or the Steeping River can cope with the current water levels.

Mrs Brewer stated that she had been contacted by Mr Robinson who stated that the dyke/ditch from Gilberts Farm, Firsby up to Mill Lane is full of rubbish and needs clearing out.  It was agreed to ask the District Council to remove the rubbish and also for volunteers to help clear the rubbish in the meantime. 

Mr Moore raised the issue of the lack of Electric Vehicle charging points in Skegness and surrounding areas for residents and holiday makers to use.  This needs to be rectified.

9.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Bratoft Church Room for use of room £20.