At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held remotely at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;
Mr R. Heane; Mr R. Harman; Mr C. Moore; Mrs S. Wilford; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mrs L. Mitchell; Mr Paul Gilbert and ELDC Cllr S. Dennis.
Apologies were received from Mr G. Holmes; Mr H. Wright; LCC Cllr W. Bowkett; and PCSO Jayne Richardson.
1. Co-option of Firsby Parish Councillor
Mr Heane proposed and Mr Moore seconded and all agreed to co-opt Mr Paul Gilbert as a Firsby Parish Councillor.
2. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Miss Smithson Whitehead gave an update on the broadband issue. There has been no progress with Openreach, there have been many issues that cannot be resolved. Miss Smithson Whitehead informed the Council that there is a new scheme starting in April 2021 which the Parish Council will may be eligible for which she will look in to and report back.
Miss Smithson Whitehead also informed the Council the monies had been received for the speed monitoring equipment and an order has been placed. The equipment will be delivered and installed once lockdown has been lifted. The speed gun will be sourced from another company. Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that 2 more volunteers to use the speed gun are required. A leaflet will be delivered sometime in the spring.
Mrs Mitchell stated that a quote for notice boards are awaited from Minster Windows.
4. County Councillor's Report
Councillor Bowkett sent her apologies and the following report:
"Extra funding for Business support, Flooding and our Single lane roads: At the Executive yesterday we've agreed revised budget proposals to include millions of pounds of additional funding to support businesses, respond to flooding and repair roads for 2021/22 - And today we're unveiling a £12m package of support for our local economy that has been ravaged by the pandemic. Local businesses could benefit from up to £10,000 of funding through a new grant scheme being planned by the County Council. I'm sure you will have been as concerned as I have about the impact on smaller businesses who might not have been able to benefit from the Government's Covid support schemes. We've decided the time is right to draw on some of our reserves to provide this support to smaller businesses. You can see further details here
Covid update: Lincolnshire’s overall infection rate is now significantly below the national average and has not reflected the rapid transmission seen in other parts of the country. Schools in England will not be reopening to all pupils until the 8 March 2021. The final decision will depend on meeting vaccination targets and schools would be given two weeks’ notice.
Care homes update: Working with Lincolnshire’s NHS and partners, all care home residents over the age of 65 and care home staff have now been given the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. It means Lincolnshire meets the first of the national target dates in the vaccination programme and has protected the highest percentage of its care home residents across the Midlands Region. There are those staff and residents who couldn’t have the vaccine due to illness or outbreak but they are being re-visited when it is safe to do so.
Vaccination Roll-out: More good news on the vaccination front with a second large vaccination site in the county going live today at the Lincolnshire Showground in addition to the main site in Boston. With 13 other general practice hubs and the two hospital hubs in the County the vaccination programme continues to gather pace. For the latest information about the vaccination programme visit
Transport issues: There has been a lot of queries regarding transport to vaccination sites, as well as some general misunderstandings. Just to reiterate the Transport Helpline is NOT a booking service for transport. The Lincolnshire Transport Helpline provides information and advice on a wide range of transport options including community car schemes and CallConnect. The helpline can be contacted on: 0345 456 4474 or by . The helpline operates from 9am-6pm Mon-Fri and 9.30am-4pm on Saturday.
Our CallConnect on-demand bus service is paid for by the customer. If someone has a concessionary bus pass due to age or disability then they can access CallConnect free of charge. For the purposes of the COVID – 19 vaccination programme only, Transport Services have agreed to extend this free to anyone aged 67 and over, regardless of whether they have a bus pass or not."
5. District Councillor's Report
Councillor Dennis stated that the waste sites at Louth and Skegness will be taking all rubbish at anytime from 8 March. He stated that Lincolnshire County Council was down by several tonnes of waste since the booking system was introduced. It is not the public that fly tip. It is the "Man with Vans" that fly tip.
Mr Dennis also stated that there may be more grant monies available but applications needed to be in by the end of February.
6. Correspondence
1. Letter received from LIVES requesting a donation. Mr Heane proposed and Mr Kidd seconded and all agreed to make of donation of £100.
2. Email received from Mrs England regarding matters taking place in Steapas Close. It was agreed to acknowledge receipt of the email and ask for the Parish Council to be kept up to date with the situation.
7. Plans
Application No S/091/01854/20 by Mr A Ayers for Section 73 application relating to condition no.2 (Occupancy condition) & no. 3 (Register of occupants) imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/091/0709/02 for change of use and alterations to an existing workshop/antique centre to form a detached holiday bungalow at Merton Villa, Pinfold Lane, Irby in the Marsh. The Parish Council posed the following points:
1. Clarification is required on where any boundary between Merton Villa and the holiday bungalow in question would be.
2. Whether the entrance to Merton Villa and the holiday bungalow would be shared if the properties were in different ownership.
3. Whether each property would have separate septic tank arrangements if the properties were in different ownership.
Application No S/020/02059/20 by Mr A Veall for Planning Permission - Excavation of land to provide a commercial fishing lake and associated bunding, provision of associated car parking, construction of an internal access road and associated landscaping at Country View, Summergates Lane, Bratoft. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/064/02211/20 by Mr J B Coupland for Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations to existing garages to provide and annexe to be used in connection with existing dwelling which is an amendment to the previously approved planning application ref. no. S/064/1335/20 at Hill Farm, Bakers Lane, Great Steeping.
Application No S/039/02280/20 by Mr T Taylor for Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 9 (occupancy) as imposed on planning permission reference no. S/039/00575/19 which was for change of use of land for the siting of 4no. static caravans in connection with existing holiday and fishing business, regrading of land, and demolition of existing agricultural shed to provide for construction of a vehicular access road at Land at Church Farm Holiday Cottages, Croft Lane, Croft. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/020/02290/20 by Ms M Johnson for Planning Permission - Erection of a detached house and construction of a vehicular access at Rookery Farm, Pinfold Lane, Bratoft. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/039/00005/21 by Mr T Taylor for Planning Permission - Extension of Church Farm Holiday Park to create the second phase which includes the change of use of land for the siting of 12 no. caravans, excavation of land to form a water feature pond, embankments and the creation of internal vehicular access roads at Land at Church Farm Holiday Park, Croft Lane, Croft. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/104/00065/21 by Mrs L Berry for Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide a porch at 3 Station Road, Little Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Erection of a detached house with a 3 bay detached garage with an annexe above and construction of vehicular access at Ivy Cottage, Main Road, Little Steeping.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Excavation of land to provide a commercial fishing lake and associated bunding, provision of associated car parking, construction of an internal access road and associated landscaping at Country View, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations to existing garages to provide and annexe to be used in connection with existing dwelling which is an amendment to the previously approved planning application ref. no. S/064/1335/20 at Hill Farm, Bakers Lane, Great Steeping.
Approval of Section 73 Application relating to condition no.2 (Occupancy condition) & no. 3 (Register of occupants) imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/091/0709/02 for change of use and alterations to an existing workshop/antique centre to form a detached holiday bungalow at Merton Villa, Pinfold Lane, Irby in the Marsh.
Approval of Sections 73 Application on conditions relating to condition no. 4 (Occupancy condition) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/104/0067/13 for change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing detached double garage to a holiday let at Field Cottage, Ings Lane, Little Steeping.
Tree Preservation Order No EZY/0116/20/TPA by Mr G Miles for G3 - 3 Sycamore - T1 on plan - fell. T2, T3 and T4 on plan - repollard to current growth points at Ashbourne Lodge, Ings Lane, Little Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
8. Highways
Notification has been received for a temporary traffic restriction on Sandy Lane, Great Steeping (between B1195 & a point 50m North) from 22 and 24 February 2021.
It was agreed to report the following matters:
Steeping Road on the corner of Mill Lane, Little Steeping the road is breaking up.
Bartons Lane, Firsby the entire road is in a terrible state.
Oxlands Lane, South, Irby in the Marsh, by the Walnuts is in a terrible state.
B1195 between Firsby & Great Steeping there are several large potholes.
Mill Lane, Irby in the Marsh, huge potholes on the sides of the road and in the overtaking lanes.
Airfield Road, there are numerous large potholes.
9. Accounts
Payments made in December 2020:
Clerk's 3 month salary £500
Citizen's Advice donation £50
Payments to be made February 2021:
Speed Monitoring Equipment £3676.80
LIVES donation £100