17 January 2024 MInutes

At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 17 January 2024 in Bratoft Church Room.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mrs C. Brewer; Mr P. Gilbert and Mrs L. Mitchell.

Apologies were received from Mr G. Holmes; ELDC Cllr Sid Dennis and LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Mrs Mitchell gave an update on information obtained from the Great Steeping Poor Lands Charity Governing Document.  Mrs Mitchell stated that the money is governed by a scheme dated December 1897.  The money has been invested under the auspices of the Charity Commission.  But the Trust Deed needs updating.

Mrs Wilford updated the Council regarding 2 parcels of land in Little Steeping that need registering.  Mrs Wilford stated after research and consultation with the Committee of Little Steeping Village Hall, it was proposed that Committee register the Village Hall and grounds with the Land Registry and the FGPC register the 2 plots of land.  Mrs Wilford stated that are an additional 2 pieces of land that need further research, which is ongoing.  Following a discussion it was agreed that Mrs Wilford attends a meeting of the Village Hall and suggests that the Village Hall and grounds should also be registered to the FGPC to keep all lands and properties protected for the future.  It was further proposed that any poor lands in Firsby should also be registered to the FGPC.  Once all details are obtained the whole group of lands and properties are to be registered in bulk.

Miss Smithson Whitehead asked to see a copy of the deeds for the land in Irby.  These documents are still with the solicitors at the moment.

3.  County Councillor's Report

Cllr Bowkett sent her apologies and the following report to the Parish Council:

"The devolution hosting events giving residents a chance to go along and discuss devolution and any concerns they have, will be at the storehouse in Skegness 19/1 11-2.

Along with the LCC website where there is lots of information, which will hopefully answer any questions you may have .

The latest storm caused a further flooding around the county, Wainfleet although the river was high caused issues only in Church Lane. A further 150 properties across the county were flooded mainly through drainage and surface water.

Applications for the £5000 is still open you can apply at propertyfloodresilience@lincolnshire.gov.uk applications will only be accepted from residence or businesses that have been affected with the latest storm Babet, businesses affected can claim up to £2500.

Issues you have raised from the meeting in December, devolution and the mayors costs, he will be offered office space within either LCC or one of the other two upper tier, along with the LEP funding which will no longer functioning this should cover most of the administration costs. The extra money we will get will be spent on services, roads etc as we have stated.

BTs change to digital is being looked at present, the falls service is a LCC service run by Lives and other providers, this will continue to work and ways if there is a power cut is being looked into now and how to overcome this.

As I have advised a resilience plan should be put together asap, any help I can give please let me know. This will be for you to determine where your emergency centre would be for each of your parish's. For Great Steeping, this could be the chapel, it could be Little Steeping Village hall or you could ask other parish's such as Halton Holegate. 

Your resilience plan is not just for flooding it is for snow, major accidents etc... Covid was classed as an emergency."

It was agreed to inform Cllr Bowkett of the following issues to be dealt with:

In relation to a resilience plan, the Chapel in Great Steeping has been sold and that the only feasible option would be to go to Franklin Hall in Spilsby which is a community centre that can provide heat, food, water and toilets.  Other options would be Irby & Bratoft Village Hall and Little Steeping Village Hall if journeys to those locations were possible.

Mrs Mitchell asked if Cllr Bowkett could be reminded that she said she would get flood signs and bollards for Great Steeping.

Miss Smithson Whitehead asked for information as to why the Cowcroft Drain was high and overflowing 3 weeks ago when the river was low?

Mr Heane would like a full explanation as to what actually happened in the October flooding.  Information has been obtained that the pumps were working and used at Gibraltar point.

4.   District Councillor's Report

Cllr Dennis sent his apologies.

Mrs Wilford asked if ELDC could get a contractor in or equipment to clear the sand at Sutton on Sea. 

5.   Correspondence

a)  Letter received from Mrs Strunin tendering her resignation as a Parish Councillor.

b)  Email received from Sharon Atkinson regarding the placing of notices advertising a vacancy for a Parish Councillor for Firsby.

c)  Email received from Jeanne Meggs regarding the installation of a bus stop pole and information case on Thorpe Bank near the bridge.

d)  Email received  regarding the proposed Grimsby to Walpole National Grid update. 

e)  Email received from Marian Woolhouse providing the accounts for the costs of providing the 5 Parishes Newsletter for the financial year.  It was agreed to continue providing the Newsletter.

6.   Plans

The Planning Inspectorate decision Reference: APP/D2510/W/23/3321771 regarding Mr & Mrs G Everards appeal against the decision of East Lindsey District Council  to refuse application reference S/020/01944/22 dated 4 October 2022, refused by notice dated 12 December 2022.  The development proposal is change of one no. agricultural building to form one no. residential dwelling, including creation of new window and door openings at Grove Farm, Burgh Lane, Bratoft.  This appeal has been allowed.

7.   Highways

It was agreed to report the following matters to Highways:

The path outside the Wheelwrights in Firsby still has not been repaired.

Several deep potholes along the B1195 from Firsby to Great Steeping School.

The drain in the field by .South View in Great Steeping need clearing out to avoid further flooding of the road outside the property in heavy rain.

The drains/dyke need clearing out by Corner Farm.  Once the pipes are located the matter will be taken forward.

8.  Any Other Business

Mrs Wilford asked for an update on the refurbishment of the Little Steeping telephone box.  As stated before the telephone box is being dealt with.  No completion date has yet been given.

Mrs Brewer stated that she had been asked why Firsby/Great Steeping Churches were not used for meeting this year.  The main reason is the lack of facilities, tables and chairs and especially a toilet.

9.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Bratoft Church Room for use of room £30

Bolingbroke Deanery for cost of printing Feb/March Newsletter £120.