At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 19 April 2023 in Irby & Bratoft Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Mrs L. Mitchell Mr G. Holmes; Mr R. Harman; LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and PCSO Nigel Miller.

Apologies were received from Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mr P. Gilbert; Mrs C Brewer and PCSO Jayne Richardson.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Mrs Mitchell stated that the handrail on the footpath at the back of the Old Church in Great Steeping has been fixed.

The PCSO was asked whether anything was done about the flatbed truck that was being driven around the villages by people entering properties without permission.  PCSO Miller stated that the person or persons who found people on their property should report the matter to the Police otherwise they are unable to do anything.

3.   Police Matters

PCSO Nigel Miller stated that cast iron drain covers are being removed and the openings are a hazard to cyclists and road users alike.  The drain covers are being removed in daylight and at least 200-300 have been taken so far.  If anyone sees anything suspicious please report it immediately to the Police.

Mr Kidd informed the Council that the cross was taken from the altar of All Saints Church, Irby in the Marsh.  If anyone saw anything please inform the Police.  PCSO Miller stated that this had also happened to a Church in Horncastle.

PCSO Miller stated that neighbourhood policing will be cut down from 91 to 50 on 1 October 2023.  This will mean that only vulnerable areas will be covered, this will not include our local villages.  It was agreed to write to the Police Commissioner regarding the Parish Council’s concerns about having this service removed.

4.   County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Bowkett stated that the over 75’s can now have Covid boosters.  Wainfleet Surgery is currently administering vaccines.  The Councillor stated that if a resident is going to Wainfleet Surgery can they please be considerate of where they are parking.

Cllr Bowkett stated that there will be an update on the maintenance of the River Steeping.  Cllr Bowkett also state that the tunnels will not be opened as they are dangerous. They will probably be filled in.

The resurfacing of parts of Airfield Road will be put into place once a suitable material is found.  Mr Heane stated that some potholes that have been repaired are coming out again because they were not repaired properly.

Cllr Bowkett also stated that the drain on the Corner of Great Steeping which seems to flood when it rains is being looked into as the water is draining away very slowly.

5.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from PKF Littlejohn regarding the Parish Council’s 2022/23 AGAR external auditor instructions.  This matter was passed to the Clerk.

b)  Email received from Jonathan Stockdale regarding the loose handrail on the footpath behind the Old Church Great Steeping.  He stated that the handrail was not on the public footpath but was repaired as the team were on site anyway.

c)  Email received from Nominations reminding Councillors to submit their nil expenses returns form by 1 June 2023.

d)  Email received From Mary Burdett enclosing Committee Meeting minutes and a letter addressed to the Chairman requesting an update on the Little Steeping telephone box.  The Chairman agreed to reply on behalf of the Parish Council.

e)  Mrs Mitchell was given a letter from Great Steeping Primary School asking for a donation towards their Community Book Pledge.  Mrs Wilford proposed, Mrs Mitchell seconded and all agreed to pay a donation £50.

f)  Mrs Wilford stated that she has spoken with Mrs Strunin about the details and location of the Firsby Parish Meeting monies.  The matter is to be investigated further.

6.   Plans

Amended Application No S/39/02015/22 by Mr T Spencer for Planning Permission – Change of use of land for the siting of 100no. static caravans with associated internal access roads and landscaping.  The amendments are as follows: 9 caravans have been removed and additional landscaping has been provided at The Hollies, High Lane, Croft.  The Parish Council’s response is as follows:

On 10th November 2022 we informed you we had no objections to this planning application although we always had reservations regarding overdevelopment in a rural location. However, reading through the documents received by the planning department from others at a later date in November 2022 we do now have objections to the development. This relates to sewage and waste water disposal and the overall large size of the proposed development being out of keeping with a rural area and lack of suitable infrastructure to cope with the additional traffic.

The development will generate large amounts of sewage and waste water to dispose of, in addition to the amount of surface water from the caravans needing to be dealt with also.  Closing the roads, to accommodate disposal of this waste, for 6 months or more indicates the size of the development is not appropriate for this area. The local roads are of poor quality which are inadequate to cope with the additional traffic which would be generated both during the development and subsequently when it is completed. 

Taking into consideration our views expressed above we object to the size of the development on the basis of:

·      the generation of large amounts of sewage and waste water without any satisfactory option for disposal, 

·      inadequate infrastructure to cope with the additional traffic and 

·      overdevelopment not in keeping with a rural area. 

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions – Extension to bungalow and widening of driveway to provide larger parking area and extension to the existing domestic cartilage at Greenacres, Brambleberry Lane, Irby in the Marsh.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions – Erection of a calf shed at Barn View, Wainfleet Road, Firsby. 

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions – Erection of a detached building to provide a linen store, washroom and garage machinery store at The Country Cottages, Bratoft Lane, Burgh Le Marsh.

7.   Highways

Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction – Great Steeping for a road closure order on School Lane.  The road will be closed for 5 days during the period 1/5/23 – 5/5/23.

Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction – Monksthorpe/Great Steeping  for a road closure order on Lane From Poultry Farm to Thistle Cottage, Lane from School Lane to Outfield Lane (Between School Lane and a point 600m East).  The road will be closed for 1 day on 8/5/23.

It was agreed to report the following matters to be dealt with:

At the junction of Sandy Lane/Aerodrome Road, Great Steeping – trucks that are turning left from the recycling centre in Monksthorpe have caused a step in the road which needs attention.

8.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Irby & Bratoft Village Hall for use of room £12

Great Steeping Primary School Fund Book Donation £50.

