At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 19 July 2023 in Irby & Bratoft Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mr C. Moore; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr G. Holmes; Mrs L. Mitchell; Mr R. Harman; Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead and Mrs C. Brewer.

Apologies were received from PCSO Jayne Richardson and LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

After a discussion about the tunnels and the possibility of sleeving them, it was agreed to write to Witham Fourth Drainage Board for information on the following matters:

1.            to ask what their views would be regarding the use of the tunnels to let water through in            the case of an emergency,

2.            to request a copy of the minutes of the meeting when it was stated that the tunnels had             been welded up, and 

3.            to invite Witham Fourth to the next meeting on Wednesday 20 September to address the          Council directly.  A copy of the invitation would also be sent to the LCC Flood Resilience       Group.

The problems relating to the proposed development site in Spilsby were also discussed.  It was agreed that the following matters should be brought to the Council's attention when the consultation period begins:

1              the present deplorable state of the roads and the effect the additional traffic would have on     them, and

2.            the sewage/surface water issues would also need to be addressed as the present system is       not coping. 

Mr Heane stated that the drain in Great Steeping has now been cleaned out.

3.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from Charles Atkinson giving details of the EA's owned lands and footpaths in Great Steeping.  Mrs Mitchell stated that she had spoken to Mr Atkinson to clarify the position and he stated that there were no permitted pathways on either side of the Lady Wath Beck.  The gates have been locked to keep contractors out and the licences for grazing on the land will finish once the contracts end.  Mr Heane stated that for roughly 40 years there was a footpath sign that was erected by the EA and people have been using the paths to walk along for many years.  Therefore, Mr Heane feels that this has set a precedent.  It was agreed to write to the EA and set out an argument for a permissive footpath to be reinstated.

b)  Email received from Cllr Richard Davies asking for the Parish Council to assist in a survey about the highways and drainage systems in the 5 Parishes.  It was agreed to forward the email to each Councillor for completion of the surveys for each village.

c)  Mrs Wilford stated that the water pressure in Spilsby has been reduced from 4 to 1.1.  The pressure cannot be put up gain because the asbestos pipes would burst. 

The old asbestos pipes are casing one leak after another especially in Little Steeping and Irby in the Marsh.  The pipes are continuously fracturing.  This is dangerous because of the recent rise of asbestosis.  It was agreed to write to Anglian Water to ask which of our villages still have asbestos pipes and when they will be replaced.

d)  Mrs Mitchell brought up the issue of the overhanging hedges at the bottom of School Lane, Great Steeping.  It was agreed to report that the hedges at the bottom of School Lane, Great Steeping need cutting back  They are overhanging onto the road making it difficult to use the road safely.  Mr Heane stated that although these hedges should be cut back by the owner of the land, the council normally carries out this task.

e).  Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that correspondence had been received from the Lincolnshire Archives listing various documents that can be viewed.  The search will take place on 17 August and the volunteers that will be attending are: Lesley Allen, Jane Strunin, Richard Kidd and Helen Smithson Whitehead.  The documents will be searched for information relating to lands owned by all 5 Parishes to see if there are any covenants in them.  Copies can be obtained for a fee.

f)  Mr Heane stated that a volunteer has been found to renovate the Little Steeping telephone box in their spare time, so it may take some time, but at least it is now underway.

g).  Mrs Wilford stated that Network Rail had made contact regarding the problems they have been having on the crossing gates in Little Steeping.  They stated that locks and chains had been removed and the gates left open.  There is authorised access only through these gates. Network Rail have now replaced the locks and chains and have installed CCTV.

h)  Mrs Wilford stated that the sale of the parkland adjoining the Manor House in Little Steeping has gone through.  The application is ongoing to upgrade the historic footpath to a definitive one.  It was agreed to contact the new owner to ask if the footpath can still be used.  Mr Heane to ask the new owner in the first instance for permission to use it.

4.   Plans

Application No S/020/01273/23 by Mr Haigh for Panning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and alterations to existing annex, erection of an indoor swimming pool, change of use of existing detached garage into an office, erection of a detached garage with living accommodation above at Bratoft Manor, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.  It was agreed to support this application.

5.   Highways

It was agreed to report the following matters:

There is a large pothole on Ings Lane, Little Steeping by the 30mph sign which needs repairing.

The Airfield Road end of Eastfield Road, Firsby, the road is being churned up by the lorries turning out onto the road.  This needs repairing.

The overhanging hedges at the bottom of School Lane, Great Steeping need cutting back.

For an update when Airfield Road is going to be resurfaced.

6.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Irby & Bratoft Village Hall for use of room £24

Bolingbroke Deanery for printing of August/September Newsletter 140

Reimbursement of cost of planters & plants £304.50.