At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 20 December 2023 in Little Steeping Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mrs J. Strunin; Mr R. Harman; Mr G. Holmes and Mrs C. Brewer.

Apologies were received from Mrs L. Mitchell and LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

Amendment to item 2, second paragraph, should read Mrs Mitchell stated that Sonia Armstrong will look at the Great Steeping Poor Lands Charity Governing Document and will report back at the next meeting.

Addition to item 9 third paragraph,  after DD landings the theme will be the Land Army and farmers and suggested that events should be put on to mark this date.

With these amendments it was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Mrs Wilford stated that Little Steeping has 2 parcels of land that need registering.  The ownership of which is unclear at the present time.  Mrs Wilford explained the history as far as she is aware, of the land then known as 'poor lands' . Research as to the ownerships is ongoing. 

Miss Smithson Whitehead asked to see a copy of the deeds for the land in Irby.

Cllr Bowkett to be asked to deal with the following matter regarding an item in her report:  The Falls Response service is run by BT on copper wires.  It will not work on the new digital service.  Wireless ones do not work in Little Steeping.  The Parish Council feel that the County Council should take responsibility for this issue to ensure that the service is still viable once the digital service takes over.

3.  County Councillor's Report

Cllr Bowkett sent her apologies and the following report to the Parish Council:

You will probably have read in the news that Lincolnshire county council have signed with the greater Lincolnshire county councils to take forward devolution for Lincolnshire.

This in the first instance would bring an extra 24 million for 30 years which will be part of the mayoral investment fund. This would bring the total funding to 720 million for the county.

There would be a one-off capital investment of 28.4 million and a 1 million skills fund.

This is just the beginning and this should open up the opportunity to bid for extra funding in all areas.

I encourage you all to take the time to fill in the consultation at  also there will be events held for you to go along and talk to officers and read how this can really benefit our local communities by allowing decisions to be made in Lincolnshire.

The following dates for your diary The storehouse, Skegness 19/1 11am - 2pm, 

Boston Utd Stadium, Boston 11/1 3pm - 7pm and Louth Meridian Centre, Louth 17/1 11am-2 pm

We continue to pursue the section 19s after the flooding across the county, 663 properties have been affected so far with many more having gardens and outbuildings affected.

The application for the £5000 has now opened where you can apply at applications will only be accepted from residence or businesses that have been affected with the latest storm Babet.

I am working with enforcement and Cllr Dennis to determine residents that live on site, this will take awhile.

May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year, and thank you for your continued support.

It was agreed to ask Cllr Bowkett the following question: having a Mayor will mean an extra tier of government which will need to be funded.  Any money that the County will gain by having a Mayor will be evaporated in the cost of the extra tier of Government.  So no extra money will be available for use in the county.

4.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from Chris Moore regarding an article about flooding in the Target Newspaper.

b)  Email received from Ken Janney regarding an item contained in the draft notes of 15 November 2023.

c)  Email received Jane Berni regarding an emergency plan for Great Steeping.  It was agreed to ask Cllr Bowkett where a suitable place would be to locate flood victims too. 

d)  Email received from Graeme Hyde regarding the progress on the planning application for Lakeside Farm, Station Road, Little Steeping.  It was agreed to keep chasing until a decision has been made.

e)  Consultation forms received regarding Greater Lincolnshire Devolution.  One Councillor for each village given a form for completion.

5.   Plans

Application No S/020/02066/23 by Mr P Graham for Planning Permission - Change of use of land to provide 8 no. glamping pitches, excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and an embankment and internal access road at Woodlands, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.  The parish council is against the development proposal and unable to support it for the following reasons: As shown in the local planning information held by ELDC the only services and facilities in Bratoft are a church and a cemetery. The roads leading into and out of the village are only wide enough for a single vehicle; vehicles have to pull over to pass each other. The proposed development would result in an increase in traffic as there is no public transport within the village and the surrounding area and the development site is 2.5 miles from the nearest shops, services and facilities in Burgh le Marsh. The increase in traffic would pose a danger to pedestrians as there are no pavements within the village or the surrounding area.

The development is proposed in a quiet residential area.  The 8 pods are an overdevelopment for the Woodlands property and not in keeping with the character of the local area. The pods would be in addition to the 2 AirBnbs currently located on the property. Disposal of effluent and wastewater is of concern. 

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust conservation officer has forwarded concerns relating to adverse environmental impacts, these comments should be taken into consideration. 

Application No S/051/02201/23 by Mr J Hough for Planning Permission - Siting of a static caravan to be used for residential use (works already started) at Bridgewood, Fendyke Road, Firsby.  In principle we, the parish council, do not object to the application for Mr Hough to be resident on the site. In a temporary dwelling (static caravan.)

However this decision is subject to a number of salient points:  

1. Mr Hough is to reside on site in only one static caravan, ie temporary structure. No further structures either temporary or permanent are to be erected on site. 

2. The site should become subject to a preservation order. Whereby the site is protected in its current state and that no further development or work is to be done, other than that that is specifically requested by the council. 

3. No further trees are to be removed. 

4. A bio unit, as proposed by the applicant, is to be installed and inspected by the council to ensure its installation is complied with. 

5. The secure fence, around the perimeter and between the site and the working rail track, should be installed as per the covenant on the purchase of the site. 

This fence should then be inspected by the railway to ensure its suitability and its erection. 

It is a concern of the council, that previous requirements and covenants placed on the site and undertaken by Mr Hough have  not been adhered to and have been at times been completely ignored. 

Therefore we request that any restrictions placed by the council should be followed up and checked to ensure they are being adhered to and implemented.

If the council feel they cannot offer these assurances then the parish councils position would be that we would object to the application. 

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Erection of 1no. house and 1no. detached garage, with the demolition of existing dwelling and associated outbuildings at End House Farm, Burgh Lane, Bratoft.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Extension to existing dwelling to include a first floor to provide additional living accommodation at Rookery Farm, Thorpe Road, Firsby.

6.   Highways

Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction Little Steeping Level Crossing from 7/1/24 to 8/1/24.

Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction Little Steeping Thorpe Bank between Station Road & a point 450m West on 23/1/24.

The Firsby Village sign on Fendyke Road needs re-siting to the corner of Eastfield Road.

The verges from the B1195 entrance to Burgh Lane up to and including Cowcroft Drain need filling in.  They are very deep and cause considerable damage  to vehicles.

7.  Any Other Business

Mrs Mitchell confirmed that the hamlet of Monksthorpe is within the Civil Parish of Great Steeping and therefore Kevin Mapley could apply to the Firsby Group Charitable Trust for a grant towards the repair of the RAF Splisby Memorial.

Mrs Brewer addressed the Council regarding Parish Meeting Minute Books.   The book for Firsby has now been located.  Other village books have been lost.  Mrs Brewer proposed and all agreed that all Parish Meeting Minute Books that still exist are to be held by the Parish Clerk.  If a book is required then it must be signed out for a period no longer than 7 days and then returned to the Clerk. 

Mr Moore stated that it would be a good idea for an item to be placed in the newsletter regarding entry on the Priority Services Register for persons who are eligible for additional services when utility companies have problems.  The registering does not cost anything and is easy to do. Eligibility can be found at

Miss Smithson Whiteheard addressed the Council regarding the Cowcroft Drain.  The drain is very full by the bridge on Burgh Lane.  It was reported to the EA 18 months ago that there were voles in the bank.  From the Chequers onwards silt has not been removed.  This needs to be cleared out so that the land does not get saturated because water cannot flow freely because of the silt.  It was agreed to write to the EA and Drainage Board about this issue and ask the question what happens to the money that is assigned on the precept to deal with rivers.

Mrs Strunin stated that she has been contacted by Paul Jackson regarding an error in an item under matters arsing in the 18 October minutes regarding the land next to Firsby Church.  The amendment should read as follows: 

Firsby:  Peter Coates has registered the Cheals Charity/Firsby Trust.  Part of the land beside the Church was previously agreed to be used as a proposed burial site and contemplation area when Paul Jackson was a Trustee.  A Parish Meeting is to be arranged to deal with any outstanding matters.

8.   Accounts and Precept

Mr Heane proposed and Mrs Wilford seconded and all agreed that the Parish Council should precept for the sum of £4400.  The same amount as last year.

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Little Steeping Village Hall for use of room £24

Irby PCC for Churchyard Maintenance £250

Bag of Sand for Great Steeping Village £70.07

Clerk's Remuneration £625.