At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 20 March 2024 in Irby & Bratoft Village Hall.
Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;
Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mr R. Harman; Mr G. Holmes and Mrs C. Brewer.
Apologies were received from Mr S. Roachford; LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and ELDC Cllr Sid Dennis.
1. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Mrs Wilford stated that the Little Steeping Village Hall management committee are going to put a resolution through that they agree to the Parish Council registering the Village Hall and lands. Once this has been agreed and minuted, the document will be placed with the other paperwork in readiness for its registration.
Mrs Wilford also stated that Matt Warman MP has put a post on Facebook which is of interesting regarding National Grid:
"The electricity system operator for Great Britain, has to day released its 'Beyond 2030' report which they describe as a 'once in a generation expansion of Great Britain's electricity grid'. It proposes a network that has three times more undersea cabling than onshore infrastructure by 2035. Given this is the plan, which I broadly support, I am concerned that this information was not made public prior to the closure of the National Grid consultation on stringing above-ground pylons across Lincolnshire.
National Grid's narrow consultation gave no consideration beyond high level costings of the undersea option I supported along with so many of my constituents and my neighbouring MPs.
Broad details of the offshore grid were shared with MPs last week but embargoed until today (21 March)."
Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that she had learnt another fact at a meeting she attended in Alford. If National Grid are granted permission to put one line of pylons up then they do not need planning permission to put a second line up.
Mrs Wilford has asked for copies of minutes of the Partnership Leadership Executive Committee where the issue of the Pylons was discussed.
A discussion took place about the proposed height of the CCTV poles at Bicker Fen Solar Park at Manor Farm, Irby and shielding of the site.
3. County Councillor's Report
Cllr Bowkett sent her apologies.
Mrs Wilford has been contacted by Pete Siddon and asked for an update from Cllr Bowkett on the licence application for Kelsey Wood Country Park.
Mr Moore has asked for information as to how often Mill Bridge, over the River at Great Steeping is checked to see if it safe. It is used by numerous heavy goods vehicles.
4. Correspondence
a) Letter received from Mrs Mitchell tendering her resignation from the Parish Council. The Parish Council's thanks to be sent.
b) Email received from Sharon Atkinson, Elections Officer, regarding the posting of the Notice of Vacancy for a Parish Councillor to represent Great Steeping.
c) Email received from Marian Woolhouse giving details of scam notice to be placed in the next edition of the 5 Parishes Newsletter.
d) Emails received from PKF Littlejohn, the external auditors, giving information for the upcoming external audit.
e) Letter received from Anthony Marston regarding the 5 flooding events of his property on Sandy Lane, Great Steeping. It was agreed that his letter will be copied and sent to Wendy Bowkett, Sid Dennis, Matt Warman MP, the Environment Agency and the Drainage Board for their comments.
5. Plans
Mrs Wilford declared an interest in this application. An amended site plan and transport statement has been received in relation to Application No S/104/02298/23 by Dyson Farming Ltd for Planning Permission - Excavation of land to form a commercial fishing pond and bunds, construction of internal access road and car park, with associated landscaping at Land East of Home Farm, Ings Lane, Little Steeping. The Parish Council's response is: No evidence has been provided by the applicant to support this statement. Given that there are approximately 20 fishing pegs on the pond and at least 12 car parking spaces we feel it unlikely that expectations are that it will only be used by 3-4 people on weekdays and 6 six people on a Saturday or Sunday. The amount of traffic this commercial venture could potentially generate is a real concern to residents of the village.
Full Planning Permission has been received for Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Poplar Farm, Great Steeping, Monksthorpe.
6. Highways
Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction - 40mph speed limit order - B1195 between 125m Northwest of Monksthorpe Lane & 200m Southeast of Mill Lane for a period of restriction 9/4/24 to 12/4/24.
It was agreed to report the following matters to Highways:
The hedge on the bend on Wainfleet Road by Slates Farm needs cutting back.
Burgh Lane, Irby from the B1195 entrance until Everard's Farm is in a terrible state and needs repairing.
The part of Aerodrome Road, that has not been resurfaced needs attention. A cyclist fell off their bike and broke both their wrists
School Lane, Great Steeping has potholes that need repairing.
Oxlands Lane, Bratoft opposite Nuthatch there is a deep pothole that runs halfway across the road which needs repairing.
7. Any Other Business
Mrs Brewer stated that Section 19 investigations are taking place and she was able to speak to the residents concerned and the investigators. Pictures were taken and residents were spoken to about their properties.
The flooding at Horncastle was discussed briefly. The gates did not close automatically. There were people who could close them manually on site but they wanted to wait for someone else to this. This discussion lead on to the Steeping River and the fact that when there is a flooding event, the pumps at Gibraltar Point need to empty the River into the sea.
Mr Harman asked who was responsible for the damage to his verge outside his house on Brambleberry Lane, Irby. The Chairman reminded the Council that the first meter of a verge outside a property belongs to highways and should not be obstructed in any way.
8. Accounts
It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:
Irby & Bratoft Village Hall for use of room £24
Bolingbroke Deanery for printing of April/May Newsletter £120
Clerk's honorarium £625.