At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 20 October 2021 in Bratoft Church Room.
Present: Mr R. Heane, who took the Chair;
Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; Mr R. Harman; Mr P. Gilbert; LCC Cllr W. Bowkett and ELDC Cllr S. Dennis.
Apologies were received from Mr R. Kidd; Mrs L. Mitchell and Mr G. Holmes.
One minute's silence was held to mark the death of Sir David Amess MP
1. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Miss Smithson Whitehead has sourced quotes for a joint noticeboard for the Village Hall and the Parish Council. The details were sent electronically to the Parish Council and committee members of Irby & Bratoft Village Hall. The total cost would be £1110.10 and it was agreed that the cost would be divided equally, each paying £555. The noticeboard to be placed between the chevron and the seat on the corner of Pinfold Lane/Wainfleet Road. Cllr Dennis stated that the Parish Council could have a grant of £400 towards their share of the cost.
3. Police Matters
Mr Heane stated that Mr Barker of Sandy Lane, Great Steeping had his ride on mower stolen. The police did not attend and it was difficult to obtain a crime number. This situation is unacceptable and the Police should attend a crime scene.
4. County Councillor's Report
Cllr Bowkett having submitted her brief via email, stated that 6208 potholes have been filled in the past month, and a further 225 miles of resurfaced and surface dressed roads but the workforce is experiencing high levels of covid which is affecting future roadworks. Cllr Bowkett confirmed that the resurfacing of the patch of road on the B1195 between Bartons Lane and Eastfield Road will be completed within the current financial year. Cllr Heane stated that the jet patcher used on School Lane, Great Steeping was rolled and therefore made it a better, smoother job.
Cllr Bowkett also stated that there a shortage of staff in care homes and providing home care at the moment so there is a big campaign currently running to recruit staff. Cllr Bowkett also confirmed that the weed boat will be carrying out a weed cut in January.
Miss Smithson Whitehead asked about the proposed radioactive waste management facility at Theddlethorpe. Cllr Bowkett replied that the residents would have the final say as to whether the facility would be sited there.
Miss Smithson Whitehead also stated one way of tackling climate change would be for better broadband to be installed for residents, this would enable people to work from home without the need to travel. The matter of burning rubbish and converting it to electricity rather than putting it in landfill was discussed along with recycling issues relating to different types of glass which can be recycled. Mr Heane expressed an interest in visiting a recycling centre if that could be arranged.
5. District Councillor's Report
Cllr Dennis gave his report to the Council and spoke of the economic considerations facing parties who hire foreign nationals. He stated that refugees have arrived in Skegness but have been moved to Grantham. The roads are starting to be repaired to a good standard. He also stated that he is Chair of the Beacon Medical Practice PPG and would like Councillors who use that practice to join the group.
Mrs Wilford reminded Cllr Dennis that the Parish Council had still not received a response to their request for information from The Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board. Cllr Dennis agreed to chase up the matter.
6. Correspondence
a) Email received from ELDC authorising the Parish Council the right to co-opt a Councillor for Firsby.
b) Email received from LCC asking for interest in receiving one tonne salt bags for the forthcoming winter. It was agreed to request 4 bags, one for Firsby, Great Steeping, Little Steeping and Irby & Bratoft.
c) Email received from Katrina Evans regarding the details for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacons on 2 June 2022. No action taken.
d) Email received from Mary Burdett regarding matters dealt with at the meeting on 15 September. It was agreed that the Clerk would respond.
e) Letter and petition to reopen the Firsby to Louth railway line received from Jamie Maskell. It was agreed to support the petition and send it to ELDC.
7. Definitive Map Modification - Little Steeping
Mrs Wilford gave an update on the application for a modification order to add a footpath between Station Road and Main Road, Little Steeping to the Definitive Map. A response has been received and sent electronically. Mrs Wilford stated that it would be approximately 15 years before this application will be looked at. The matter would stay with LCC and await a decision in due course.
8. Plans
Application no S/064/01968/21 by Mr & Mrs T W Barker for Planning Permission - Erection of a detached shed for the storage of trailers and a vehicle at Blackthorns, Sandy Lane, Great Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/104/02068/21 by Mr D Law for Planning Permission - Erection of 2no. antenna supports to the maximum height of 6.0 metres at Saffron, Ings Lane, Little Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/104/02068/21 by Mr D Law for Planning Permission - Erection of 2no.antenna supports, one fixed at 2.5m and one extendable top a maximum height of 12m. at Saffron, Ings Lane, Little Steeping. It was agreed to support the application as long as they are secured properly.
9. Highways
It was agreed to report the following matters:
The footpath bridge over the railway, Ings Lane, Little Steeping going towards Firsby, the hand rails have been damaged and need repairing/replacing.
Cork Lane, Thorpe Lane & Thorpe Culvert the road in going into the drain.
Ings Lane, Little Steeping, the potholes need refilling because of the heavy traffic using the Lane.
It was also agreed to write to Mr Dyson to ask if he would be willing to repair some of the roads, including Ings Lane that are being damaged, once his building work has finished.
10. Accounts
It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:
Bratoft Church Room for use of room £14
Noticeboard Company UK Ltd for purchase of joint noticeboard £1110.10.