At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 20 September 2023 in Little Steeping Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mrs S. Wilford; Mrs L. Mitchell; Mr R. Harman; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mrs C. Brewer; Mr P. Gilbert; LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and 2 members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr C. Moore and Mr G. Holmes.

Peter Bateson of the Witham Fourth Drainage Board agreed to speak at this meeting regarding allowing flood water into the River Witham in the case of an emergency.  The Chairman asked Mr Heane to put the Parish Council's views and concerns to Mr Bateson for him to answer. 

Mr Heane gave a brief history of the flooding in 2007 and 2019.  He explains that when there is a crisis water overflows into Great Steeping and floods many properties.  After the flooding in 2019 a meeting took place in Little Steeping Village Hall and all options for the prevention of further flooding of the Village were on the table.  But nothing has been done.  He further asserts that the River Steeping needs cleaning out completely from beginning to end which would assist with the flow of water.  It is the Parish Council's opinion that plans should already be in place to avoid any further flooding events.  A solution would be to sleeve the tunnels (which are not in good order) and have the sluice doors serviced.  If this was carried out would Witham Fourth, in an emergency, allow water through the doors, if there was capacity to take it, to avoid the further flooding of Great Steeping?

Mr Bateson stated that he has supplied the history of the matters leading up to the floods.  He stated that he was no longer on the River Steeping Steering Committee, but they have stated that if the silt levels downstream were dealt with then the catchment should be able to cope.  Mr Bateson stated that hydraulic modelling is used to determine needs.  This modelling costs in excess of £100k and the EA or a district or county would have to put a scheme together.  He stated that there was not enough funding to get the tunnels and doors repaired but in any event, Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board and the Environment Agency have decided that they will not spend any money to repair the tunnels and doors.  They have decided that the banks of the River Steeping should be strengthened and excess water could be directed down to the Burgh sluice and that should help the situation.  Funding will be required to do this. 

The Parish Council thanked Mr Bateson for attending the meeting and listening to their views on the matter. 

Peter Siddon addressed the Parish Council regarding his lodge at Kelsey Wood Country Park.  He is encountering problems because he wants to sell it but it is classified as holiday let only.  He had originally built it for residential use because he understood that the site had a licence for residential properties.  He has been told that he is breach of conditions and as he left the site 2 months short of 4 years he does not have lawful development to sell as a residential home.  Mr Siddon's argument is that the site owner has misrepresented his licence, and although he has asked for a copy several times he has not be permitted to have it.  There should also be a Register with details of residents which is not forthcoming.

Cllr Bowkett stated that there are many caravan sites in the area which are not run correctly and owners are allowing people to use the sites for residential use. There are new rules now which require photographic ID in the form of a driving licence or passport, Council tax bill etc., with proof of a residential address for those using caravans for holiday use only.  Cllr Bowkett agreed to look at the situation for Mr Siddon.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would request a copy of the site licence EL/H/44.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

With the amendment to paragraph 3h to add the words "the land adjoining" Manor House, Little Steeping has been sold,  it was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Mr Heane has spoken to Mary Sleaford, the new owner of the land adjoining Manor House, Little Steeping and she has  agreed that people can still use the footpath.

Miss Smithson Whitehead  gave feedback on the visit to the Lincolnshire Archives to find out what lands etc., are owned by the 5 Parishes.  Photographs of documents were taken at a cost of £12.90 which will be reimbursed to Miss Smithson Whitehead.  In Brief: Bratoft's land is registered and belongs to the Parish Meeting.  Irby - one plot of land needs to be registered at the Land Registry.  Firsby - all funds were transferred to a Charity and accounts are overdue.  It was agreed to chase this matter up with Peter Coates.  Little Steeping - have no assets, proceeds of sale of plots of land were transferred to the Firsby Group Parish Council.  Great Steeping - No money in the account since 2020.  Records give the name of the Chairman in 2021.  He will be contacted for further information.   All information can be obtained from the Charity Commission website.

The email received from Cllr Richard Davies asking for the Parish Council to assist in a survey about the highways and drainage systems in the 5 Parishes was discussed.  It has been difficult trying to get onto the website to provide the information.  Further attempts will be made.  Mr Heane feels that the information requested should also state where the drains go to not just where the drain covers are.

3.  County Councillor's Report

Cllr Bowkett gave her report as follows:

"We are highlighting the issues of high blood pressure and the importance of getting your blood pressure checked regularly, which lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack. Many local pharmacies offer the service along with your GP in annual health checks, or blood pressure monitors can be purchased very cheaply so you can do at home.

Lincolnshire businesses and young people will be further educated on the dangers of flavoured single use vapes. This comes after a new report shows there's still an uptake in the number of young people vaping, despite long term risks not being known. Government are considering the issue at present.

Winter Covid preparations are being made, covid 19 continues to be a challenge. The county continues to build vaccine immunity for vulnerable groups and the over 65s. You should be contacted by your surgery if you are eligible for the vaccine. Some surgeries are doing both flu and Covid at the same time.

LCC have confirmed that no local authority school in Lincolnshire are affected by faulty concrete.

Council agreed last week to give highways a further £10 million pounds from underspends in other areas to be able to do further works on our rural roads, this makes a total of £17 million on top of the original budget".

4.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from Simon Hart from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership which states that the results of the survey carried out together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.  It was agreed that the Parish Council would send a reply and request that they reconsider their decision.

b)  Letter received from Ken Janney of Eastfield Farm regarding straw that is stored on the Old Airfield  near to his property.  Cllr Bowkett agreed to look into the matter for Mr Janney.

c)  Email received from Tom Winning regarding a dog waste bin.  After a lengthy discussion about this matter, and as neither side will compromise on the siting of the bin and its emptying it was agreed to ask Mr Winning to put the bin at the Village Hall for a trial period to see if it is used.

d)  Email received from Charles Atkinson stating that the EA owns both the left (east) and right (west) banks by The Lady Wath Beck in Great Steeping.  He has asked for the gates to be unlocked on the west bank and this can be used for walking.  There is no public right of way on the east bank.

e)  Email received from TSG Publicity Team stating that as from 4 September all Callconnect single rides will be capped at £2.  A poster has been displayed on the Noticeboards.

f)  A copy Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association Newsletter has been received.

g)   A copy of the Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine has been received.

h)  A request has been received from the Irby & Bratoft Walkers for litter pickers to use whilst out on their walks.  It was agreed to support the request and to purchase further litter pickers. 

i)  Mrs Mitchell requested that "any other business" should be an item on the agenda.  It was agreed that this would added to future agendas.

j)  Mrs Brewer stated that she had been contacted by a resident regarding the Bridgewood planning application.  There are concerns regarding the effect on their property and derogatory and personal information is displayed on the planning portal website.  The caseworker will be asked to blank out this type of information.

k)  Mr Heane stated that dog fouling is occurring continuously outside Rose Cottage on Sandy Lane, Great Steeping and requested that dog walkers pick up their dog waste.

l)  Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that on a section of Oxlands Lane, Irby in the Marsh, the hedges need cutting back.  The owner of the land to be contacted and asked for this work to be carried out.

5.   Plans

Application No S/051/01314/23 by Mr J Hough for Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 5no. holiday lodges, excavation of land to form a pond, construction of roads and parking areas at Bridgewood, Fendyke Road, Firsby.  The Parish Council does not support this application.  The application has a number of inaccuracies as follows: Work has begun on site, the site has been massively cleared of trees (predominantly deciduous). Roads have been dug and laid.  A lodge and a container have been sited and are currently in full time use.  Change of use has occurred in that the applicant is living full time onsite (no provision has been made for the disposal of waste, dirty water or sewerage.  Lighting (flood lights) and security cameras (infra-red) have been installed.  1 further lodge has been dismantled and stored under tarpaulin ready to be sited.  The site is described in the application as having a perimeter of a thick wall of woodland. This is incorrect.  Many of the trees (deciduous) have been removed to accommodate the applicants lodge and living area.  The perimeter is sparsely wooded and in places there are no existing trees at all as they have been removed.  The site can be clearly seen from both the public road and the working railway line.  As the majority of the trees are deciduous the site will become more visible from early autumn until late spring. (The applicant intends the site to be used 12 months of the year) Land registry title LL396511 Dated 18.12.2019 Second schedule paragraph i states“Within three months of the date hereof to erect fences of a design approved by the Board between the points marked a-b-c d-e and f-g on the attached plan such fence’s thereafter vesting in the Board with the exception of that between a-b-c which shall vest in the purchaser and be maintainable by him”  The main working railway forms two of the site’s boundaries.  The boundaries have no suitable fencing as is required.  Safety issues as there is direct open access onto the main working railway.  The applicant has 4 dogs on site and 1 dog which is allowed to roam freely.  The land registry title continues at iii and states “Not to do or permit to be done on the property anything which may damage or otherwise effect the safety or stability of the said bridge or the embankment supporting the adjoining public road.”  The land has been excavated near the railway and the bridge (trees and roots have been removed).  This is in direct conflict with the railway agreement.  Most of the excavation has taken place on the embankment that is supporting the public road. We object to this becoming a permanent dwelling on woodland and we feel that approval would set a precedent for anyone to buy a relatively small parcel of land or woodland and apply for permanent residential status. There are a number of small wooded parcels of land, similar to this site, in the near vicinity that we believe the approval of this application could open the floodgates to.  Firsby is a small village with no amenities and it is difficult to see how it would benefit from this application if it were to be approved.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and alterations to existing annex, erection of an indoor swimming pool, change of use of existing detached garage into an office, erection of a detached garage with living accommodation above at Bratoft Manor, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.

Full Planning Permissions has been granted on conditions - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to former Methodist Chapel into a dwelling and construction of a vehicular access at Church Opposite the Laurels, Firsby Road, Great Steeping.

6.   Highways

It was agreed to report the following matters:

The pathway from the Eaves Pub up to the church in Little Steeping needs cutting back and an update is requested when the large potholes beside the Church are going to be filled in.

There is a large tree on the verge outside Tanglewood, Sandy Lane, Great Steeping which needs felling.  Also the trees on the Lady Wath river bank need cutting back.

Updates are to be requested as to when the overhanging hedges at the bottom of School Lane, Great Steeping are going to be cut back and when Airfield Road is going to be resurfaced.  Both have been booked in for work to be carried out but no dates given.

7.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Little Steeping Village Hall for use of room £26

Bolingbroke Deanery for printing of October/November  Newsletter £120

Reimbursement to Miss Smithson Whitehead for copy documents from the Archives £12.90

Clerk's 3 month remuneration £625.