At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 21 December 2002 in Bratoft Church Room.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and DC Cllr S. Dennis.

Apologies were received from Mr R. Heane; Mr R. Harman; Mr G. Holmes; Mrs L. Mitchell and PCSO Jayne Richardson.

1.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

2.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

An email has been received from Kevin Abbott regarding the permissive footpath request stating that the owners of the land, The Environment Agency, have no objections to the permissive footpath from Little Steeping Church to Ings Lane.  Their legal department are currently looking at wordings for an agreement.

Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that 3 more Community Speed Watch Volunteers had been trained up.  Miss Smithson Whitehead also stated that the Parish Council can purchase 30 and 40 mph stickers to place on residents’ wheelie bins.  It was agreed that the Clerk place an advert in the next 5 Parishes Newsletter to ask for residents to apply for a sticker(s).  The name, address of the applicant and the relevant speed should be sent to the Clerk to ascertain the number of stickers required.

The Parish Council would like to thank Mark Banham who removed the Little Steeping telephone box.

3.   Police Matters

PCSO Jayne Richardson sent her apologies but has informed the Council via Miss Smithson Whitehead that it is not possible for the Police to carry out a speed check in the area where the most speeding takes place as there is no safe area to pull over cars.  It has been suggested that Staying Alive may be able to supply a van with a camera in it to record the data.

4.   County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Bowkett did not have anything to report to the Parish Council save wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Cllr Bowkett was asked to see if anything could be done to have the Aerodrome Road resurfaced from the bottom of School Lane to the Gunby turn as it is not fit for purpose.  There are so many patches and potholes that makes driving along that stretch of road hazardous. 

5.   District Councillor’s report

Cllr Dennis gave his report to the Council which included that there is a financial scheme where villages that have less than 10,000 residents can apply to purchase something for their village i.e. a play area, outdoor gym etc.,  If interested the Village must have a plan to show want is wanted and where it will be put.

Cllr Dennis agreed to make funds available for the purchase of the 30 and 40mph wheelie bin stickers.

The migrant situation in Skegness was discussed briefly.  He stated that the Home office only gives 24 hours notice before migrants are put into accommodation.  The migrants cannot work because they have no status.

Cllr Dennis also stated that the Internal Drainage Board was struggling with the cost of the electric to run the pumps as prices have increased dramatically.

A further discussion took place regarding people living illegally in caravans.  The site owners are ultimately responsible for making sure that caravans are vacated and owners return to their residential homes at the end of the season.  People staying all year in non residential caravans are not paying Council Tax.  This situation must be sorted out.

6.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd stating that PKF Littlejohn LLP will continue as the eternal auditors for the next 5 years.

b)  Email received from the Public Sector Partnership Services Ltd stating that as of 23 January 2023 East Lindsey District Council will be relocating to The Hub, Mareham Road, Horncastle, Lincs LN9 6PH.

c)  Letter received from LIVES asking for a donation.  It was agreed to make a donation of £100.

e.)  A copy of The Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association Newsletter was received.

7.   Plans

Application No S/064/01981/22 by Mr W Grant for Planning Permission – Change of use , conversion of, extensions and alterations to the existing agricultural building to provide a dwelling and construction of a vehicular access at Land at, Monksthorpe Lane, Great Steeping.  It was agreed to support this application.

It was agreed to ask for an update on the Lakeside Farm, Little Steeping application.  It has been over 12 months since the application was submitted and no decision has yet been made.  There are concerns about the number of caravans entering the site.  ELDC Sid Dennis stated that if the Village puts in a complaint, the matter would be looked at.

8.   Poor Law Lands

After a short discussion Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that the lands belonging to Bratoft are registered on the Land Registry.  It is not clear whether Irby’s land is on the Land Registry.  Miss Smithson Whitehead, with the agreement of the rest of the Councillors, will investigate, if not too onerous a task, all of the Parishes at the Lincolnshire Archives.

9.   Little Steeping Village Hall

Mr Moore stated that he was concerned that in the last edition of the 5 Parishes Newsletter, Little Steeping Village Hall wrote a paragraph stating that all committee members were resigning at the next AGM.  Mr Moore was concerned about what will happen to the Village Hall if this happens.  The Chairman stated that as nothing definite has happened yet, it is not the Parish Council’s business.

10.   Highways

Notification has been received of a temporary traffic restriction in Little Steeping from Thorpe Bank (Between Fen Road & Station Road) for 1 day between the period of 11/1/2023 – 22/1/2023.

It was agreed to report the following matters to be dealt with:

Burgh Lane, Irby in the Marsh, from Brandybuck Cottage down Everards Farm, the road is breaking up again.

Following an accident where cars have gone into the hedge and through the metal fence of Manor Cottage, Little Steeping in the recent icy weather.  It was agreed to ask Highways to reposition the Salt Bin from the side of the Parkland field gate before the next bend after the Manor House, to the verge in front of the hedge of Manor Cottage (to the left of the hand gate) which would give a safer position to access it.

There was also a request from the residents of Little Steeping for the stile by the church to be changed to a kissing gate.  The Parish Council agreed to make this request.

A further request is to be made of Highways for clarification as to where roads start and end from Mill Lane, Great Steeping to Ings lane, Little Steeping.  There are no road signs and this causes difficulties for deliveries.

11.   Accounts and Precept

Mr Moore proposed, Miss Smithson Whitehead seconded and all agreed that the Parish Council should precept for £4400.

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Bratoft Church Room for use of room £14

Irby & Bratoft Village Hall for use of room for speed awareness training £24

Donation to LIVES £100

Irby PCC for Churchyard Maintenance £250

Clerk’s 3 month honorarium £625.