At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 21 September 2022 in Bratoft Church Room.
Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;
Mr R. Heane; Mr C. Moore; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr G. Holmes; Mrs L. Mitchell; Mr P. Gilbert; Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett and 1 member of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr R. Harman and PCSO Jayne Richardson.
One minute's silence was held to mark the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Mary Burdett addressed the Council asking for an update on the Little Steeping telephone box. Mrs Burdett stated that the Village Hall Committee agreed to have the telephone box moved to their site, but that was 3 months ago and it is still in situ. Mr Heane stated that as there was no interest from Little Steeping residents to assist in its removal and renovation he had agreed to help to move it. Unfortunately he has had a hip replacement operation and has not fully recovered yet. Once he is fit it will be taken to be shot blasted.
1. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that information had been submitted to Sleaford Facilitators as previously detailed to the Parish Councillors.
Miss Smithson Whitehead also stated that 2 more volunteers have agreed to assist with speed monitoring. A second training session will need to be arranged for the new volunteers. This will be held at Irby & Bratoft Village Hall on a date to be arranged. The Parish Council will pay for the use of the room. PCSO Jayne Richardson has emailed Miss Smithson Whitehead regarding arranging a speed check between 2.15 - 3.15 when the schools return.
The owner of the hedges on Brambleberry Lane has been informed that they are over hanging the road and need cutting back. It was agreed to write formally to ask for them to be cut back.
Cllr Bowkett confirmed that the Minerals and Waste Local Plan does not include the disposal of minerals from nuclear waste/hazardous waste including plutonian.
It was agreed to send a letter to Matt Warman MP regarding the lack of NHS dentists in our areas. Cllr Bowkett stated that in an emergency a patient can call 111 and a dentist will be found for them.
3. County Councillor's Report
Cllr Wendy Bowkett stated that:
the purple lidded bins will be delivered soon;
that Births, Marriages and Deaths can now be registered online instead of attending offices;
Mental Health Week beigins 11/10;
any residents having problems with paying bills can go to Citizens Advice;
the Electricity payments will start in October and that further announcements are awaited regarding oil/gas payments.
Cllr Bowkett stated that the Steeping River plan will be coming out next month. The machine is on the Steeping River, currently only cutting out a channel. Mr Heane stated that there are some trees that need taking out by the campsite on Sandy Lane, Great Steeping. He stated that the EA had instructed a contractor to mow the banks down, who had never been to the site before, was given no maps, no information or keys to access sites. Mr Heane stated that the EA should have passed information on to the contractor which would have made his job quicker and easier to carry out.
Mrs Wilford stated that there was a lot of duckweed at Mill Bridge, there was no fish or water at all in that section of the river. Cllr Bowkett stated that the EA were restocking the River Steeping with fish.
Mrs Wilford asked Cllr Bowkett if a meeting had been arranged with Roger Morris from the EA to discuss the blocked permissive footpath that follows on from the public footpath behind Little Steeping Church. The gates have been taken out and fencing put up. Cllr Bowkett stated that she had been informed by the EA that it was not a permissive footpath so no meeting has been arranged. Mr Heane stated that the EA put the new fencing up in the Spring this year. Cllr Bowkett was asked to contact the EA again about this matter.
Mr Holmes asked Cllr Bowkett for assistance in getting the passing places on Mill Lane filled in. The Parish Council have made numerous requests but only patching on the road surface has taken place.
The matter of Kelsey Park Country Wood's 12 month occupancy was mentioned. Mr Heane and Cllr Bowkett to meet and discuss the matter.
4. Correspondence
a) Letter received from Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board regarding the bid for £10,000 made at the PACM meetings. Cllr Bowkett stated again that the money was used when the Steeping River flooded.
b) Email received from Sheilagh Wilford copied to Cllr Sid Dennis regarding lack of wording contained in conditions attached to planning application no S/104/00826/19 at the Village Store, Main Road, Little Steeping. This has resulted in the requirement for a shop cannot now be enforced.
c) Email received from Helen Smithson Whitehead regarding Irby and Bratoft Parish Meeting monies. Following a discussion it was agreed that all parishes are to provide information about lands and monies held by Parish Meetings in order to deal with the matter fully.
d) Email received from Graham Meeks giving an introduction to Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind. No action taken.
e.) Email received from Lincs Reservoir Project Team regarding the proposed location of the Anglian Water Lincolnshire Reservoir. No action taken.
5. Plans
Application No S/020/01462/22 by Mr & Mrs G Everard for Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of, extension and alterations (to include partial demolition) to existing agricultural building to provide a residential annex at Grove Farm, Burgh Lane, Bratoft. It was agreed to support this application. This application was subsequently withdrawn on 20 September 2022.
Application No S/064/01477/22 by Mr S Crutchlow for a Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 2 (approved plans) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/064/00214/18 for change of use of land for the siting of 33 no. static lodge caravans with decking, sheds and lighting bollard's. Construction of internal roads and vehicular parking areas, Excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and waterway at Kelsey Wood Country Park, Great Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S020/01633/22 by Mr & Mrs Carr for Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing garage to provide a holiday let at Tudor Lodge, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.
Amended Application No S/064/01477/22 by Mr S Crutchlow for a Section 73 application in relation to condition no. 2 (approved plans) previously imposed on planning permission ref. no. S/064/00214/18 for change of use of land for the siting of 33 no. static lodge caravans with decking, sheds and lighting bollard's. Construction of internal roads and vehicular parking areas, Excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and waterway. The plans have been amended to not include land outside the original approval and to limit the number of static caravans to 33 as per original permission at Kelsey Wood Country Park, Great Steeping. It was agreed to support this application.
6. Highways
Notification has been received of upcoming road works to replace a culvert in Irby in the Marsh, Oxlands Lane/B1195 Wainfleet Road junction to commence on 21 November 2022.
It was agreed to report the following matter: Ings Lane, Bratoft. The road is sinking on both sides causing cars to bottom when using it.
7. Accounts
It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:
Bratoft PCC for use of room £14
Bolingbroke Deanery for Printing of Oct/Nov newsletter £80
Hi Vis Vests for litter collectors £15.52
Clerk's 3 month honorarium £625.