At the Annual General Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 22 May 2024 in Little Steeping Village Hall.

Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;

Mr R. Heane; Mr C. Moore; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr G. Holmes; Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; Mrs C. Brewer and Mr S. Roachford.

Apologies were received from Mr R. Harman and LCC Cllr Mrs W. Bowkett.

Mr David Law addressed the Parish Council regarding the proposal to register Little Steeping Village Hall and 2 parcels of land with the Land Registry.  Mr Law stated that he had put a resolution before the Little Steeping Village Hall Committee in favour of this proposal but it was rejected by 4 votes to 2.  However, the rejection of the resolution does not prevent the Parish Council from registering the Village Hall and Lands.  It was pointed out that if the National Grid Pylon scheme goes ahead, they could  potentially be crossing the lands stated above and they will therefore need to be registered in any event.

Mr Greg Smith addressed the Parish Council regarding the Manor Farm solar farm development.  Mr Smith still feels that the height of the CCTV camera poles should be reduced to that of 2.4 meters.  The proposed planting of bare root stock will take 15 years to reach maturity and will not shield the cameras properly until 2039.  Mr Smith asked for the Parish Council's support in putting his objections forward.  The Parish Council agree that the use of 4m poles is purely based on financial reasons and will put in their comments accordingly.

1.  Election of Chairman

Mr Holmes proposed, Miss Smithson Whitehead seconded and all agreed to re-elect Mr Kidd as Chairman for a further year.

2.  Election of Vice-Chairman

Mr Holmes proposed, Mrs Brewer seconded and all agreed to re-elect Mr Heane as Vice-Chairman for a further year.

3.  Minutes of the last Meeting

It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that the underground cabling for Eastern Green Links 3 & 4 will go to the substation at Bilsby which coincides with the proposed National Grid Pylon route. The National Grid pylon route is to take the electricity from the new off shore wind farms and not the EG3 & 4 electricity. Hopefully the EG3 & 4 electricity will go underground to Bicker/Walpole but if the National Grid pylons are approved it will be possible to put a parallel line of pylons in without requesting planning permission.  Also the Labour Party if in government intend to change the planning rules so local planning permission of the National Grid east coast pylon route, and any others in the country, will not be required as it will be granted by the government.

Mrs Wilford stated that Ings Lane, Little Steeping would be used for construction traffic and that was concerning. Also contractors had been looking for accommodation in Little Steeping from 1 September 24 to April 2025

Mrs Wilford gave an update on Kelsey Wood Country Park - There is an ongoing enforcement case relating to unauthorised occupancy of the caravans at the site.  Notices have been issued to the occupants.

There may also be a breach of condition relating to the cladding on certain caravans that should be clad in Sierra Brown Canexel plank.

Mrs Brewer asked for an update on the collection of rubbish from the dyke/ditch opposite Gilberts Farm to Mill Lane, Firsby.  Mr Roachford stated that he had been along that stretch of road and cleared some rubbish but there was plenty more to be removed.

Mr Holmes asked when the hedge on the blind bend by Slates Farm, Irby is going to be cut back as it is dangerous driving round the bend when oncoming traffic straddles the centre line.  Miss Smithson Whitehead stated that she still needs a volunteer to stand in the road and direct traffic while the hedge is cut back.  Mr Holmes stated that he would be willingly to assist.

5.   County Councillor's Report

Cllr Bowkett sent her apologies and the following report:

Lincolnshire County Councillor Annual Report for the Firsby group parish councils.

It has been a pleasure as always to work with all of the parish councillors over the past year.

You may have seen the recent announcement for the new NHS Community Diagnostic Centre which is being built in Skegness, this is an exciting development for our health service along the coast and will mean tests such as MRI, Ct and non – obstetric ultrasound can be done locally rather than having to travel to hospitals further away. It is one of 2 that are being built the other is in Lincoln, it will see investment of 38 million and I am really grateful that Skegness was chosen.

Highways fixed 110,532 potholes in 2023, repaired 224 miles of roads, rebuilt 77 miles of footpath and cleaned 192,235 drains. County council have added a further £19 million of extra money to the highways budget and Government have promised £253 million from the HS2 fund.

Highways have started there first grass cut of the highways verges this will take place from the 22nd April to 28th May further cuts will take place from the 10thJune and the 12th July and 2nd September to the 4th October. Two weed treatments will also take place the first has commenced it started on the 15th April to the 28th June and the second will will be from the 8th July to the 20th September.

The heavy rain was continuous all winter and in October we sadly saw many more properties and land flooded across the county, unfortunately 48 properties were flooded in my division, these were caused by a mix of river over topping and surface water flooding. In the past 18 months we have seen 5 ½ feet of rainfall which is an incredible amount, and still many fields are still sodden and will struggle to grow crops this year.

The section 19 reports are being processed for the last two storms in October and January and should be concluded by August, this will determine the causes of every property flooded in the county. The results will come to the flood scrutiny committee at the county council.

The County Council have committed a further £4 million to help in flood prevention around the county, this will ensure all drains are jetted regularly and kept clear, which will help in reducing surface flooding.

I continue to sit on the River Steeping group and we continue to meet to look at what further can be done to improve not only the River steeping but also the channels that lead into it, along with the work maintenance for the year for the river.

Mill lane Bridge was rebuilt in 2006 and was designed for a weight of 44 tonnes, it is inspected every two years and is due for an inspection anytime.  As such it wouldn’t be able to have a weight restriction put on it.

The Call Connect App is now available, you can now book your journey online and all for £2 for each journey, the £2 journey also applies to the service buses.

Lincolnshire county council are looking at ways to further support and encourage bus travel in Lincolnshire we are gathering resident's views to help plan further improvements as part of the latest County Views survey. We want to know how often residents travel by bus, what would encourage you to use it more often, what they like and dislike. The county views survey can be completed on paper copies can be found in the County news which is delivered to you homes and can be returned via free post.

Please get in touch with me any time either by email cllrw.bowkett or call me on 07917494478

Mr Heane asked once again, if there had been an update on when the rest of Aerodrome Road is going to be resurfaced. 

6.   Correspondence

a)  Email received from ELDC giving the Parish Council the authority to co-opt a Parish Councillor to represent Firsby.

b)  Emails received from Jenny Marsden regarding the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project.  No action taken.

c)  Email received from Dan Marriott regarding the vacant position of Parish Councillor to represent Great Steeping.  Mr Marriott to be thanked for his application and will be advised to apply again at the end of the year if the position is still vacant.

d)  Email received from Greg Smith regarding Manor Farm Solar Farm.  This matter was dealt with at the beginning of the meeting.

e).  A request has been received for information when the Old Wheelwrights application in Firsby is going to be dealt with.  Planning to be contacted.

7.   Plans

Application No S/020/0266/23 by Mr P Graham for Planning Permission - Change of use of land to provide 8 no. glamping pitches, excavation of land to form a wildlife pond and an embankment and internal access road at Woodlands, Summergates Lane, Bratoft.  The parish council is against the development proposal and unable to support it and submitted the following comments:  As shown in the local planning information held by ELDC the only services and facilities in Bratoft are a church and a cemetery.  The roads leading into and out of the village are only wide enough for a single vehicle; vehicles have to pull over to pass each other.  The proposed development would result in an increase in traffic as there is no public transport within the village and the surrounding area and the development site is 2.5 miles from the nearest shops, services and facilities in Burgh le Marsh. The increase in traffic would pose a danger to pedestrians as there are no pavements within the village or the surrounding area.The development is proposed in a quiet residential area. The 8 pods are an overdevelopment for the Woodlands property and not in keeping with the character of the local area.  The pods would be in addition to the 2 AirBnbs currently located on the property. Disposal of effluent and wastewater is of concern. 

Application No S/064/00454/24 by Mt F & Mrs Fourty for Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.  It was agreed to support this application.

Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - for erection of 2 no. agricultural barns (works commenced) at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.

Approval of Section 73 Application on conditions - to remove condition no. 3 (holiday occupancy) as previously imposed on planning permission reference S/064/0140/19 for change of use, conversion of, alterations to existing agricultural building to provide holiday accommodation at Topos Farm, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.

8.   Highways

It was agreed to report the following matters:

The drain opposite East Field Road, Firsby has been filled in around it but a portion of the tarmac has come out and needs redoing.

The hedges from Brambleberry Farm down towards Irby & Bratoft Village Hall are hanging over the road and need cutting back.

9.   Any Other Business

Miss Smithson Whitehead asked for clarification as to whether the Parish Council are going to proceed to register Little Steeping Village Hall and the 2 parcels of land.  It was agreed that this should be done.

Mrs Wilford stated that in relation to the proposed building of 600 houses in Spilsby, Anglian Water made no comment because there is no indication that it has anything to do with the application.

10.   Annual Governance Statement

The Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 was completed.

11.   Accounts

It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment: 

Little Steeping Village Hall for use of room £24

Bolingbroke Deanery for printing of June/July  Newsletter £140

Zurich Insurance Renewal £226.85

Auditor Fee £40.

12.   2023/2024 Year End Accounts

The 2023/24 Year End Accounts and filing of the Certificate of Exemption were approved.