At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 19 February 2020 in Bratoft Church Room.
Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;
Mr G. Holmes; Mrs G. Boldy; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Mr H. Wright; Miss H. Smithson Whitehead; Mrs L. Mitchell; Mr R. Harman; ELDC Cllr S. Dennis; LCC Cllr W. Bowkett and 1 member of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr R. Heane and PCSO Jayne Richardson.
Eric Haynes addressed the council regarding the removal of trees on the far side of the beck on Sandy Lane. One tree in particular is leaning over and could possibly fall towards his property and cause damage. It was agreed to find out who the owner of the land is and ask for the tree to be removed or cut back. it was also agreed that a copy of the correspondence to the land owner should be sent to the EA. This is a safety issue that needs to be addressed.
1. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Miss Smithson Whitehead gave an update on the broadband issue and wished to express the thanks of the Council to David Boldy who has gone door to door in Firsby and collected details of 79 interested residents. She also explained that some parts of Irby & Bratoft now have decent broadband speeds so some residents are not now interested. Miss Smithson Whitehead will submit the completed application in due course.
Mr Kidd informed the Council that correspondence had been received from the War Memorials Trust regarding the Grant application. Responses to their queries are to be made by 28 February. It was agreed in the meantime that the balance of monies owing to Drapers Memorials for the works carried out should be paid from the Parish Council funds.
Mrs Wilford stated that the Little Steeping notice board which had been stored at G & S Oliver awaiting erection has been removed, without the permission of the Parish Councillors, by Minster Windows to apparently have cork placed inside.
3. Police Matters
PCSO Jayne Richardson sent her apologies and stated that High Visual patrols are still continuing around the Firsby 5 parishes when on duty. Leaflets have been left in the community telephone box in Bratoft in relation to internet safety.
4. County Councillor's Report
Cllr Bowkett gave the following report:
"Extra funding for highways - the council is set to invest additional money into highways maintenance and flooding with 14 million of efficiency savings allowing the council to deliver a balanced budget. Please keep reporting potholes on fix my street.
Fire and rescue is compiling its community plan which looks at the main risk to lives, properties, infrastructure and the environment in Lincolnshire. The report is available with a brief survey for people to feedback on the LCC website.
Young carers awareness day highlights that as many in five secondary children may be a young carer. The average number of school days missed or cut short as a result of a young carers role is 48, schools are responding with effective support.
Archaeologists reveal evidence of 400,000 years of human history on the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, with almost 270,000 artefacts being found representing every archaeological period from the Palaeolithic era to present day.
Lincolnshire County Councils new website has gone live
Lincolnshire has bid and been awarded the Centre for Better Aging East Lindsey District Council will deliver the service and it aims to improve the lives of older people helping them to try and ensure a meaningful and purposeful life in there retirement.
River Steeping - we have this weekend been undated with set and stormy weather with large amounts of rainfall falling all over Lincolnshire. This accumulated in a severe flood warning being issues in Wainfleet and Thorpe and Croft areas. The Great Steeping Lady Wath was again a concern , I was talking to Henry and the EA all weekend ensuring everything was being done to alleviate flooding to property.
Please can we organise the sand bags this week so you have them at the ready if needed, as this was a concern this weekend.
The section 19n is now being heard at The Storehouse, Skegness at 10am to 12.30pm on the 24th February.
There will also be a meeting at Batemans on 4 April from 10am to 4pm which will explain the plans for what is to happen following the section 19 report."
5. District Councillor's Report
Cllr Dennis explained that the "Towns Fund" committee are working towards getting a plan for the future in place by July. This money is to be used on infrastructure. The plan would be a vision of how the costal towns will look and the services available etc., for 30 years hence. Cllr Dennis stated that he is Chairman for the Skegness Committee and has an excellent group of young people who are working on plans for future. He will keep the Council updated on how this progresses.
Cllr Dennis also updated the Council regarding the now unblocked drain on Fendyke Road. There still remains an issue as to where the properties can discharge their septic waste.
6. Correspondence
a) Email received Chris Moore regarding the new septic tank laws and a item on the Channel 4 news on 23 January 2020. All councillors were informed of this email before the Parish Council meeting.
b) Email received from War Memorial Trust regarding matters that need to be addressed regarding the grant application for the cleaning and restoration of the Firsby War Memorial. Mr Kidd to respond.
c) Email received from Rachael McMahon regarding the Steeping River Community Update.
d) Email received from Lindsey Westman regarding the LALC annual membership subscription. It was agreed to put back under correspondence next month.
e) Letter received from Mrs P Waddingham regarding potholes, litter, water not draining from roads and oil spillages. Cllr Bowkett agreed to look into this matter.
f) Email received from Lisa Jackson chasing up the horse warning signs for Little Steeping. Cllr Bowkett agreed to look into this matter.
g) Email received from Mr & Mrs Tubby regarding an oil spillage on Fendyke Road, Firsby. Cllr Bowkett agreed to look into this matter.
h) Verbal request by Mrs Mitchell on behalf of Brian Robinson who also contacted the Council about the oil spillage on Fendyke Road.
i) Verbal information from Mrs Wilford that 4 residents of Little Steeping were concerned that the River had breached and was flowing over the top across the field. The water stopped flowing just before where the current works have been carried out.
j) Copies of the Triton Knoll newsletter received.
k) Copies of Silt Maps received from Rachael McMahon. Mrs Wilford to hold until the meeting with the EA.
7. Plans
Application No S/091/00112/20 by Mr P Carter for Planning Permission - Change of use and conversion of disused Methodist Chapel into a dwelling at Irby and Bratoft Methodist Church, Pinfold Lane, Irby in the Marsh. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/020/00092/20 by Mr Johnson for Planning Permission - Erection of a multi purpose agricultural building at Summergate House, Summergates Lane, Bratoft. It was agreed to support this application.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions - Change of use, conversion and alterations to existing vehicle repair workshop into a holiday cottage at Amcroft, Ings Lane, Little Steeping.
Notification of investigation No EC/104/00053/20 regarding breach of condition 3 on Planning Ref: S/104/00826/19 concerning submission of scheme and phasing strategy at Number One, Main Road, Little Steeping.
8. Highways
Notification has been received of a temporary Traffic Restriction on Eastfield Road for essential works from a period of 16 March to 27 March. Signage detailing accurate dates and times will be displayed on site in advance.
Notification has been received of an overnight closure of Lymn Bank Level Crossing from 21.30hrs 11 March to 06.30hrs 12 March.
It was agreed to report the following matters:
There are 2 potholes near the Rising Sun on the junction of North Road/Mill Lane, Irby have re-opened and need refilling.
There is a pothole on the S bend outside Manor House going out of Little Steeping which needs repairing.
The dyke on Mill Lane, Irby needs clearing out. This matter is already being dealt with by the owner of the land.
9. Accounts
It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:
Irby & Bratoft Village Hall Printing of February Newsletters £140
Bratoft PCC for use of room £13
Draper Memorials balance of account for cleaning of Firsby War Memorial £1125.24
Re-Issue of lost cheque no. 830 for Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership £40.